Hemmingway House | ||
Return to Key West
On a back street several blocks off the center of town is a rather non-descript, even tacky two story; at least by today's standards. However you can see that it once was a comfortable place to live with wide porches and shady lawns. A pool and gardens were added and a sanctuary above the carriage house in back allowed a quiet and restful area for a writer to hide away. The grounds are still overridden with cats; many having the 6 toes that his cats were noted for. Above the trees at night he would see the beacon of the lighthouse flail over his house and grounds. I wonder if he also used it to find his way home after his long nights at the bars.
Inside are the
mementos of a man who liked to fish, hunt, drink, write and enjoy life.
Pictures on the wall testify to his skills.
furnishings testify to a rather humble existence. It is great to be able
to reflect on what his life must have been like.