The small cigar boxes are filled with sausages. This
meat market claims they will keep for 3 weeks and then, once opened, for 3
more days. However
they cannot be exported; they drive the security dogs crazy and you will lose them to
Teddy Bears in costume are featured
in many shops.
Germany does, of course, lay claim to the bears and their popularity. Notice the seal in
the lower left wearing his sweater.
Products in Rothenburg
Dolls are a popular German product for tourists. They
are fine quality and realistically detailed. The costumes vary from city to city but the
faces, sizes and expressions are pretty standard.
The clay houses and castles can be water filled (The
large one on the right) so that it cascades. The smaller ones can be lit with candles or
electric lights.
Puppets with great detail are an interesting keepsake
to bring back on a trip. Note also the medieval dresses and other clothes on display.